Anti-static finger sets of cloth [Product print page]

 Anti-static finger sets of cloth
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Product Name: Anti-static finger sets of cloth
Product Type: CS6682165
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


Model: CS6682165 Product Name: Cloth finger sets Products: cloth finger sets using cotton cloth production, wear comfortable, breathable.

Anti-static finger sets of cloth  A detailed description of
Model: CS6682165
Product Name: Cloth finger sets
Products: cloth finger sets using cotton cloth production, wear comfortable, breathable, sweat prevent contamination to the product. Packing: 200 / pack, 500 / pack.
The current page is where you finger sets of products, if you are interested in this product, you can call our service hotline for more information about related products, we will be happy to provide you with the best quality service. Main products: anti-static alcohol bottles, anti-static wrist strap, anti-static ankle band, anti-static grounding, anti-static anti-fatigue mats.
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