16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box[Product print page]

16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box
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Product Name: 16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box
Product Type: CS6683236
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


Model: CS6683236 Product Name: 16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box Products: Anti-static circulation box can effectively release the accumulation of electrostatic surface charge.

16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box  A detailed description of
Model: CS6683236
Product Name: 16 Numbe Anti-static circulation box
Products: Anti-static circulation box can effectively release the accumulation of electrostatic surface charge, it does not produce charge accumulation and the high potential difference; with a tough wear-resistant, corrosion proof, heat shock, economic and durable and many other advantages. Electronic products can greatly reduce the failure rate of the production process, reduce costs, improve product quality and profits.
Electronic components and products for the production process flow loading, packaging, storage and transport. Surface resistance of 109Ω or less. Dimensions: 600×500×300mm, the shape size: 560×460×290mm.
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