Cut Resistant Gloves[Product print page]

Cut Resistant Gloves
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Product Name: Cut Resistant Gloves
Product Type: CS6686780
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


Product Name: Cut Resistant Gloves Product information: Main Advantages of Cut Resistant Gloves : Cut resistance, abrasion resistance, dissolution resistance, shrinkage resistance in the high temperature.

Cut Resistant Gloves  A detailed description of
Product Model: CS6686780
Product Name: Cut Resistant Gloves
Product information: Main Advantages: Cut resistance, abrasion resistance, dissolution resistance, shrinkage resistance in the high temperature. The palm and hand is add with the natural rubber with good resistance without slip. The hand feeling is soft and it fits the hand shape. Application Fields: Automobile industry, mechanical industry, iron and steel sheet and plate, glass industry, etc.
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