PVC Anti-static slippers [Product print page]

PVC Anti-static slippers
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Product Name: PVC Anti-static slippers
Product Type: CS6681592
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


raw materials used in a special polymer chain, finished with a permanent anti-static properties.

PVC Anti-static slippers  A detailed description of
Model: CS6681605
Product Name: PVC Anti-static slippers
Product Description: raw materials used in a special polymer chain, finished with a permanent anti-static properties. With better moisture-proof, anti-fungal, anti-oxidation. Not subject to temperature change, low-temperature non-hardening, may be around, good heat insulation, insulation, air permeability performance, better. Material science formula, wearing no deformation, reasonable hardness, elastic design, comfortable upper design, wearing more comfortable. Use of health glue, non-toxic harmless, footwear 3000-6000 times consecutive bending without breaking, high quality. A variety of non-slip soles, a variety of patterns and health care function of the small end of the design, mold is complete, more humane, to ease work pressure. Style and more style upper rich and developed according to customer requirements, design, and be published as a variety of corporate logo.
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