Anti-Static Stainless Steel Tweezers [Product print page]

Anti-Static Stainless Steel Tweezers
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Product Name: Anti-Static Stainless Steel Tweezers
Product Type: CS6682281
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


There are five types of anti-static stainless steel tweezers: The ESD-10 standard type tweezers,ESD-11 specialty-type tweezers,The ESD-12 type enhanced tweezers,ESD-13 flat tip type tweezers, ESD-14, ESD-15 crooked tip tweezers.

Anti-Static Stainless Steel Tweezers  A detailed description of
Product Model:CS6682281
Product Name:Anti-static Stainless Steel Tweezers
Product Information:There are five types of anti-static stainless steel tweezers: The ESD-10 standard type tweezers, whose length is 150mm, is used for soldering Integrated circuit board and installing or replacing the components; The ESD-11 specialty-type tweezers, whose length is 150mm, is used for precise electronic components operation; The ESD-12 type is the enhanced tweezers, whose length is150 and tweezers tip will not be bent when the circuit board is gripped by the force, and the component will not fall off; The ESD-13 flat tip type tweezers, whose length is 150mm and round tip shape can protect the components from the damages, is widely used for extracting circuit chips; The ESD-14 apiculiform type tweezers, whose length is150mm and tweezers tip is spiry and sharp, is widely used in the component operation of high-density integrated circuit; The ESD-15 crooked tip tweezers, whose length is 150mm and tip’s curvature is 45 grades, is widely used for extracting the components in the stricture site.
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