Cordless Anti-static Wrist Strap [Product print page]

Cordless Anti-static Wrist Strap
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Product Name: Cordless Anti-static Wrist Strap
Product Type: CS6682700
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


According to the corona discharge and marginal discharge principle, the product utilizes the voltage difference to eliminate the static electricity.

Cordless Anti-static Wrist Strap  A detailed description of
Product Model:CS6682700
Product Name: Cordless Anti-static Wrist Strap 
Product Information: The operating principle of the cordless wrist strap : According to the corona discharge and marginal discharge principle, the product utilizes the voltage difference to eliminate the static electricity. Dispensing with the ground wire, it is widely used for static-free environment and suitable for the workers to wear who can work easily.
Loop: adjustable rubber; Material: elastic nylon yarn and metal complex conductive crape
Product Color: Blue
Package: 1 piece/box, 100pcs/box
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