PVC Anti-static Wrist Strap[Product print page]

PVC Anti-static Wrist Strap
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Product Name: PVC Anti-static Wrist Strap
Product Type: CS6682750
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


The material of PVC anti-static wrist strap is soft and elastic material added with the conductive wire.

PVC Anti-static Wrist Strap  A detailed description of
Product Model: CS6682750
Product Name: PVC Anti-static Wrist Strap
Product Information: The material of PVC anti-static wrist strap is soft and elastic material added with the conductive wire. The conductivity of the anti-static wrist strap is pretty good, and the length is adjustable. The spring ground lead can endure 30000 times experiments, and the length is 180cm.

Anti-static wrist strap is the basic anti-static equipment, and is the necessity of common use in the production line. It is not only easy to install and operate, but also cheap in price , the work principle is that it discharges the static electricity to the ground through the wrist strap.
Loop: Adjustable rubber; Material: elastic nylon yarn and metal complex conductive crape. Strap Resistance: Less than or equal to 103Ω; Grounding resistance: 106Ω; Electrostatic leakage: Less than 0.1s. Helix: PVC scarf-skin, inside is the 4 cores tinsel wire, the resistance is 1 ohm, it is nickel-plated hasp and elastic manganin plug.
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