Anti-static Cloth Finger Cots [Product print page]

Anti-static Cloth Finger Cots
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Product Name: Anti-static Cloth Finger Cots
Product Type: CS6682168
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


The anti-static cloth finger cots are made of anti-static conductive silk, it is anti-static and simple to use and it can effectively isolate dampness from the fingers, to prevent the stains and damages of fingerprint and sweat sticking to the products.

Anti-static Cloth Finger Cots  A detailed description of
Model: CS6682168
Product Name: Anti-static Cloth Finger Cots
Product Information: The anti-static cloth finger cots are made of anti-static conductive silk, it is anti-static and simple to use and it can effectively isolate dampness from the fingers, to prevent the stains and damages of fingerprint and sweat sticking to the products. Fingers are tightened by the rubber to prevent the slide.
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