Disposable Wrist Strap[Product print page]

Disposable Wrist Strap
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Product Name: Disposable Wrist Strap
Product Type: CS6682870
Exhibitors: CSKJ
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


The disposable wrist strap is easy to use, it is mainly used for products protection and can be packaged and transported with the products.

Disposable Wrist Strap  A detailed description of
Product Model: CS6682870
Product Name: Disposable Wrist Strap
Product Information:The disposable wrist strap is easy to use, it is mainly used for products protection and can be packaged and transported with the products. When the products need protection,the wrist strap can confirm the workers contact the ground to avoid the damage to the products components and protect the workers from the electric shock, then to finish the repair, it is also available for the visitors.
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